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Research, Talks and other Presentations

My current resume.

My Latest Global Economics Column on Substack

Global Economics:


Academic Research


Working Papers

  • "Adding Outside Money to Sidrauskian Models: Mechanisms Matter", Ready to Submit Version, May, 15, 2023
    Abstract: The Sidrauski (1967) model in much monetary research even today. His mechanism to add outside money to the model leads to specific conclusions that focus on the role of money but not on the role of monetary policy in economies. This paper focuses on the “monetary mechanisms” possible in Sidrauski’s original model. It explores three possible mechanisms in Sidrauski-models: (1)via net fiscal transfers, (2) via commodity exchanges, and (3) via capital exchanges. The results show that his original formulation was both unrealistic and infeasible for the conduct of monetary policy, especially from a central bank balance
    sheet perspective. Adding money instead through government purchases of real-valued goods or capital leads to a natural role for the balance sheet of the central bank helping to make sense of traditional  monetary regimes and provide insights to modern regimes.


​Published Research


Book Chapters:


Non-Academic Writing


Lectures & Speeches

(I'm trying to do better writing up and posting my talks. Please bear with me.)




TV and Written Interviews


Honorary Hungarian Consul

  • "The Tangible and Intangible Threats to Freedom" (PDF), talk given for the 1956 Anniversary at the Hungarian House in Wallingford, CT. October 25, 2021

  • My Remarks on the 61st Anniversary of the Hungarian 1956 Revolution and Freedom Fight (October 22, 2017 in Wallingford, CT, USA)


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