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Economics Instructional Videos and Notes

This is a collection of all my videos teaching economic concepts.  I've also included Lecture Notes when I have them available. At the bottom is a collection of Lecture Notes and Materials that I hope to have videos for one day as well.

These are all videos of me personally teaching the material.

Mostly Videos with Some Lecture Notes

Solow Model Basics


Solow Model with Population Growth


Solow Model with Technological Progress


Evalutating the Solow Models in terms of GDP per Capita

(These are the same as above, just all collected in one location)

Lecture Notes

Core Economic Material Review


Supply and Demand Analysis

  • Basic Math and S&D Models (download) - same as notes below under "Math Stuff"

  • Intro Supply and Demand Analysis (download) - this is a longer, verbal and graphical (no math needed) intro to supply and demand analysis with several pages of examples at the end

  • Slow Price versus Slow Quantity Adjustment and Time Paths (download)



Math Stuff


  • Basic Math Review and Intro to Supply and Demand Models (2004 notes from my MBA class).  (download)


  • Converting to Growth Rates (% Changes): PDF Download on "Hat Algebra" - I do a lot of converting things into growth rates (percentage changes).  The notation I use for growth rates is a "hat" over a variable.  I teach my undergraduate students a few quick rules to convert variables into "hats" and I call it "hat algebra". 


​Transaction Costs and The Birth of Money


"The Nominal Money Market" or "The Market for Nominal Money Balances"


Converting the Real Money Market to the Nominal Money Market (especially for EC 350 students)

Money and Money Markets

The following notes cover all the material in the above notes from Mankiw's book, just in pieces and with specific emphasis on certain aspects.  I recommend using the Mankiw Chap 4 notes and the notes below, then the videos too.

(The following notes are handwritten but will slowly be converted to typed notes.)

The AS-AD Model

These cover the basics of Aggregate Supply - Aggregate Demand analysis.  The model is done in an open economy, including the basic effects on NX.


Applying Open Economy AS-AD Model to Analyzing Tariffs

These are from a video series I did awhile ago.  We didn't cover tariffs in the course. They are simply a tax on foreign goods entering a country.

Flexible Exchange Rate Regime Analysis


Unanticipated and Temporary Changes in Levels


Unanticipated and Permanent Changes in Levels


Anticipated and Permanent Changes in Levels

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