Intermediate Macroeconomics
FALL 2024
QU Course Number: EC 212
Days: Tuesdays and Thursdays
Time: 2:00 - 3:15 PM
Location: Tator Hall - 114
FINAL EXAM: 12/10, 1:00 pm in TH 114
Assoc. Prof. Chris Ball
Office phone: +1 203 582 8745
Office Location: 4th Floor Rocky Top Student Center
Office Hours: TBD and As Needed
Fall 2024 Syllabus: download
OPTIONAL Books for the course
Mankiw, Macroeconomics, 11th Edition by MacMillan Press. This is "the" standard macro textbook. Very good and well written.​ I'll reference it and use some sections, but it's optional.
Garin-Lester-Sims, Intermediate Macroeconomics by Julio Garin, Robert Lester and Eric Sims. ("GLS Macro"). This is a truly modern macro textbook that is really more of an "advanced undergraduate" macro book than an "intermediate" book. The authors' site is here in case they update.
Outline, Notes and Readings
For this course, I mostly use my own notes. I will reference the Mankiw text and will also provide links to the relevant GLS chapters as well.
MODULE 1: Review and Macro on the Island
Agg Demand - Agg Supply Analysis with Time Path
​Practice Problems
Practice Problems: AS-AD Review and Time Paths
The Island Macro Economy
Island and 3 Key Economic Questions All Societies Face
​​​Linear Production, Productivity, Wages and Innovation
Practice Problems
Practice Problems: Setup and Aggregate Production​
​NeoClassical Theory of Income Distribution​
Concave Production, CRTS, Marginal Products
NeoClassical Theory of Income Distribution
Mankiw Chap 3 - National Income: Where It Comes From and Where It Goes
Practice Problems
Practice Problems: NeoClassical Theory of Distribution
​​EXAM 1: Date TBD
Practice Problems: AS-AD Review and Time Paths
Practice Problems: Setup and Aggregate Production​
Practice Problems: NeoClassical Theory of Distribution
​MODULE 2: Money and Allocation over Time
​NeoClassical Theory of Income Distribution​
Transaction Costs and Institutions​
Optional READINGS:​
Practice Problems
Practice Problems: The Birth of Money and MV=Py
Allocation Decisions: Static and Dynamic​
Practice Problems
Practice Problems: Allocation 1 Euler
OPTIONAL: Allocation 2 Budget Constraints
Allocation Decisions: Static and Dynamic​
Practice Problems
Practice Problems: Real Money Market Analysis
EXAM 2: Tuesday, November 12th
Practice Problems: The Birth of Money and MV=Py
Practice Problems: Allocation 1 Euler
Practice Problems: Real Money Market Analysis
​MODULE 3: The Solow Growth Model and Macroeconomic Policy
Solow Growth Model​​
World Bank Graph: US and Germany
Word Bank Graph: US and Japan
Mankiw Chap 8 – Capital Accumulation as a Source of Growth
Practice Problems
Practice Problems: Solow Growth Model
Monetary Policy
Modern Monetary Policy: Taylor Rules and New Keynesian Views
An AS-AD basis for monetary policy action
The idea of Interest Rate Rules: The Taylor Rule
The Effects of Interest Rates on Inflation in Our Allocation Model
Practice Problems
Practice Problems:
​The Challenge of Monetary Policy, the Phillips Curve and Losing Control
Practice Problems
Practice Problems:
The Monetary System​
HO Chap 4 The Monetary System Notes​​​​
Practice Problems
Practice Problems:
EXAM 3: Date TBD
APPENDIX: Review of Economics and Math Notes
Economics Review
Math Review/Notes
The Birth of Government
Fiscal Policy
Money Market Basics
Chris Youtube Videos​: "The Nominal Money Market" or "The Market for Nominal Money Balances"