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QU Filipino Martial Arts
Modern Arnis Class
Tue-Th: lunchtime
York Hill Student Center Workout Room

This site is mostly a resource page for my Filipino Martial Arts / Modern Arnis class at Quinnipiac University.  The class is free and not offered for QU credit.


I don't have a separate school but taught Modern Arnis classes at Quinnipiac University (where I work) from 2003-2010 and plan to re-launch that class in 2025. This site will be a resource for those students and anyone else interested.


To learn more about me as a martial artists, see bottom of this page.  â€‹â€‹â€‹


Modern Arnis Videos: Basic Techniques

These videos were made by me and long-time friend and amazing martial artist Jeff Whitely in 2014. Jeff started in Kenpo in the 1970s (before me!), Modern Arnis in the 1980s, BJJ probably 1990s, specialized in knife work and was/is a true master shooting/gun instructor.

Videos are shot by Ron Agnello at Matt Breyer's old gym. Special thank you to Jeff, Ron and Matt.


Basic Punches, Kicks and Blocks for those without any other martial arts training

  1. Basic punches

  2. Basic blocks

  3. Basic kicks

  4. Some block applications

  5. Blocks to controlling your opponent (some chokes and takedowns)


Stick Basics​

  1. Strikes 1-5 with single stick

  2. Strikes 6-12 with single stick

  3. All 12 strikes (front view)

  4. Basic brace block against attacks 1-5

  5. Basic brace block against attacks 6-12

  6. Basic slice block against attacks 1-5

  7. Blocks in training vs combat


From Stick to Empty Hand and Blade

  1. All 12 strikes empty hand

  2. Strikes 1-5 with blade

  3. Strikes 6-12 with blade

  4. Hammer fists and elbow strikes

  5. ​Empty hand "slice block": brush grab strike 1 - basics

  6. ​Empty hand "slice block": brush grab strike 2 - de cadena

  7. ​Empty hand "slice block": brush grab strike 2 - switching


​Obstruction Removal: Stick and Empty Hand

  1. Obstruction removal part 1 - stick

  2. Obstruction removal part 2 - empty hand

  3. Obstruction removal part 3 - drill for both sides

  4. Obstruction removal part 4 - knife


Fun video by Ron including outtakes: FMA​


Links to Other YouTube Techniques


I mostly draw here on Professor Presas's own videos. He is the founder of Modern Arnis and this is our style.  But, his videos are old now, from the 1980s and 1990s.  So, I include some more recent videos and other perspectives too.  I find, though, that going back to his videos...he was absolutely amazing and far better than anyone in the newer videos.



QU Modern Arnis: Initial Questions​


To get an idea of what you'll do and learn, Search YouTube for:

  • "Remy Presas Modern Arnis" - our founder and our exact style (videos are pretty old since he passed away in 2001)

  • "Brian Zawalinksi Modern Arnis" - our current Grand Master and here in CT! (If you want to smile, here's Brian demonstrating on me in 2012)

    • Here are two videos introducing Modern Arnis. They both also have Prof. Presas and GM Zawalinksi (before he was GM!). They give a great feel for what Modern Arnis is and what it looks like in action:  ​1998 Video 1 and 1998 Video 2

  • "Tye Botting Modern Arnis" - my first Arnis instructor (and my Kung Fu instructor), permanently changed how I move and how I think about martial arts...still a huge influence on me!  Tye has a lot on Youtube now:

  • "Ray Dionaldo fcs Kali" - I love his work, it's a branch off of Modern Arnis and fun to watch

  • "Kali", "Escrima", "Arnis", "Modern Arnis", "Pekiti Tirsia", "Filipino Martial Arts"  - all these are terms for various but similar Filipino martial arts​​

  • "Jason Bourne Fight Scenes" (especially "Pen vs Knife"). The Filipino arts became popular in movies really starting with Matt Damon's Jason Bourne movies.  These fight scenes are pure Filipino in the way he stands, moves, blocks and uses his empty hands, a book, a pen, etc.  Other movies, Wikipedia: "Arnis in Popular Culture"​​


Do I need a gi?

No. I will teach this before my Econ classes on T-Th. So often I'll be in jeans.  Comfortable clothes are all that's needed.  If you ever decide to train more, I can help you find/buy a gi.​


You do not need to know another martial art:

If you practice(d) another martial art, that's 100% fine. Arnis allows you to bring in your own stances, kicking, punching and blocking.  If you don't have any other martial arts experience, that's 100% fine too. I'll teach those basics to you too. The Filipino arts do some things differently, largely because we almost always assume the attacker has a weapon. Otherwise, all other "base" styles are welcome.


Can I test and earn belts?

Yes. If that's what you want. After you know if you like Arnis or not and want to continue and rank, tell me.  I'll start ensuring we cover our official curriculum in order so you can test. I can test you, but I will - and you should - prefer to take you to GM Zawalinksi to test.  That way you have a Grand Master's signature on your certificate (along with mine).


About Me...


I have been practicing and teaching martial arts nearly my whole life. I started in American Karate in 1979 and the Filipino art of Modern Arnis in 1999.  Those two arts form the core of my personal approach to martial arts. I started training BJJ around 2010. 


Why I Focus on Modern Arnis as Core

Today, I just consider myself a "martial artist".  Modern Arnis is the core art I train consistently, no matter what else I'm studying.  For me, Modern Arnis is the ideal mixing bowl. You can blend it with any other art and it will expand your understanding of your other arts.  Professor Presas taught it that way.  It allows me to always grow as a Filipino martial artist, yet focus on other arts and bring them into my Arnis while using Arnis insights into the other arts.


I have also recently re-connected with my original martial art family in Midori Yama Budokai. As you read my story below, you will see why they are my home along with my Modern Arnis family.   


"It's all the same...", Prof. Remy Presas.


My Ranks and Lineage

I earned a Black Belt in American Karate in 1984 under Sensei Len Strickler.  My certificate was under Midori Yama Budokai and GM Leo Wilson, Sensei George Bell and Sensei Barry Grizzard in Huntsville, Alabama.  Sadly, Sensei Grizzard passed away in a car wreck and Sensei Stickler moved from Alabama for work.  I trained at Sensei Bell's, then wandered, exploring other arts, and returned to Sensei Bell's studio around 1990 where I trained and taught for a few years before moving to Budapest, Hungary (1994-1998).


Returning to the USA in 1998, I went to Texas A&M University for a Ph.D. in Economics. There I studied North Shaolin - Northern Praying Mantis Kung Fu under Sifu Tye Botting and Sifu Abel Martinez until I found Modern Arnis (also taught by them both).  My main instructor was Dr. Michael Hume (scroll down for instructors) and we were both studying under Matandang Punong Guro Tye Botting (hereafter PGM Botting).  I had always sought a weapons art thinking I might one day earn a 2nd degree Black Belt in Karate and Arnis did that. However, I fell deeply in love with Arnis and the Filipino arts and only recently have returned to studying karate, exploring our katas and old Midori Yama Budokai curriculum (you can find that here under "MYB Training Video 1979").


I moved to Connecticut in 2003 to teach Economics at Quinnipiac University and began teaching Modern Arnis on campus from day one.  The CT community was strong at the time with several schools and groups and I began training with GM Brian Zawalinski (one of Professor Remy Presas's longest-running students and named Master of Tapi-Tapi by Professor himself).  Although I had been training in Modern Arnis since 1999 and teaching since 2003, I never tested for a belt.  GM Zawalinski was kind enough to start a group - Jeff Whitely, Dan Demerchant, and me - who needed to test for black belt.  He trained with us privately for about a year or so and I finally earned a black belt in Modern Arnis in 2009.  My testing committee was GM Zawalinski, Paul Krishkum, and Tom Cushing.


I am very proud to hold black belts in Karate and Arnis which I consider my two core arts. I hope to represent them well.  I hold various ranks in other arts including Shin Shin Ju Jitsu (green belt, GM Wilson/Len Strickler), Shin Nagare Karate (brown belt, GM Wilson/Len Strickler) and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (Blue Belt, Rafael "Formiga" Barbosa at Matt Breyer's CAGE SJA). In 2023 I started studying periodically (not enough to count yet!) Wing Chun under Sifu Andy DiGuiseppi.


My martial goals today?

Just to improve and grow. If I had more time, I would deep dive into other Filipino arts, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Karate, and Wing Chun.  All of that blends perfectly into Modern Arnis!


In October 2024, I re-enrolled in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu at Matt Breyer's Tritac Training Center.  These guys are amazing. It's a wonderful gym for standing and ground work.  I'm happy to be back on the mat.


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