Money and Banking
Spring 2023
Assoc. Prof. Chris Ball
Economics Department
Office phone: +1 203 582 8745
Office Location: 4th Floor Rocky Top Student Center
QU Course Number: EC 341
Days: Tuesdays and Thursdays
Time: 11:00 - 12:15 PM
Location: TH 113
Office Hours: TBD and As Needed
Syllabus: download
Required Textbooks :
Student Presentation Materials (Info and Schedules)
Monetary Policy Presentations: download
Countries and Central Banks
The minimum data we need: inflation and inflation target, unemployment, the nominal money supply (M2), government expenditures and the policy interest rate.
Ideally also get: real GDP, potential GDP, the natural rate of unemployment, and the natural real interest rate.
Bank of Canada (link)
Bank of England (link) and UK Office for National Statistics (link)
Bank of Japan (link)
Bank of South Korea (link)
IMF - IFS (link)
Monetary Policy Presentations #1: March 28th
Grade Sheet: First Country Presentation
Grade Sheet: Internal Group Grades
Monetary Policy Presentations #2: End Semester
Grade Sheets
Homework + Readings and Exam
Take Home Exam 1: download
Take Home Exam 2: percentages below
20% HW on NBER Paper: download
READING: NBER 2022 Paper "The Fed Funds Mkt Pre and Post 2008"
20% HW on FED Paper: download
READING: FED 2020 Paper on "The Fed's Ample-Reserves Approach to Implementing
Monetary Policy"
- 20% Central Banking 101 Bk Reading Ch 1 & 2 HW: download
20% Central Banking 101 Bk Reading Ch 3, 4, & 5 HW: download
20% Bernanke Book Reading HW: download
Outline, Readings, and Notes
Section 1: Crash Course in Basic Macroeconomic Tools and Analysis
Review Supply and Demand Model
Practice Problem Set: Supply and Demand
Review AS-AD Model (with time paths)
AS-AD Basics/Review and Adding time paths
Notes: Handout
Example of AS-AD to Time Paths and Gaps: Handout
Practice Problem Set: AS-AD and Time Paths Forward and Backward
The Phillips Curve
Phillips Curve wikipedia (Note we use something like the "New classical version")
Phillips Curve Basics 1: Mon Policy AS AD - Pt 1_ Phillips
Phillips Curve Basics 2: Mon Policy AS AD - Pt 2_ Loosing Control
Global Economics: It's baaack! The Phillips Curve Conversation
Global Economics: Who's Afraid of the 1970s.
Taylor Rules
Fed Chair Yellen on balanced approach and using Okun's Law:
Taylor Determinacy
Notes: Handout
Other Readings
Atlanta FED Taylor Rule Utility: link
Practice Problem Set: Phillips Curves and Interest Rate Rules
Open Economies
Nominal Exchange Rates and interest rates
"Dynamic" PPP (in rates of change)
Section 2: Traditional Policy and Theory
MV = Py in levels and rates
Money Markets and Interest Rates (with time paths)
Money Market Basics
Changes in M
Announcement Effects
Casting Policy in Terms of Interest Rates
Practice Problem Set: TBD
Monetary Policy Evolution
Monetary Aggregates and Friedman-type Money Growth Rules
From "M" to "i": 1970s, 1980s, 1990s, early 2000s
What Determines "M"?
Banks as Businesses
Max Profit = TR - TC --> MR = MC
MR = $ earned per unit of output. Bank "investment". Traditional "lending"
MC = $ paid per unity of input. Banks' sources of funding . Traditionally "deposits"
Other inputs
Money, the Banking System and Money Multipliers
Read Joseph Wang's Central Banking 101
Practice Problem Set: Chapters 1 (Types of Money) and 2 (The Money Creators)
Practice Problem Set: Chapters 3, 4, and 5.
Open Market Operations
Traditional Banking System and Money Multipliers
The Discount Window. Listen to Odd Lots Podcast on the topic (link) "Why Banks Are Suddenly Borrowing From the Fed's Discount Window".
Bank Panics
Balance Sheets: Private Banks and the Central Bank
Basel IIII: Capital ratios (risk weighted) and Leverage Ratios (non-risk weighted)
Market for Bank Reserves (or the Interbank Market)
Traditional Analysis
Bond Markets
Bond and Money Markets
Term Structure of Interest Rates
Practice Problem Set: Prob Set 4 Bonds and Interest Rates
Answer Key: Excel Sheet Key
Interest on Reserves
Breaking MV = Py, Money Markets and Traditional Models
Modern Banking and Modern Central Banking
Money Creation in a Modern Economy, Bank of England
New Facilities
Quantitative Easing
Quantitative Tightening
The Modern Market for Reserves and the Fed's "Ample Reserve Framework"
(Optional) FED Guy's Bank Balance Sheet FREE Course:
Do Loans Generate Deposits?
FED Explaining RRP’s:
Current RRP:
The Fiscal Theory of the Price Level
Euler Economics: What Interest Rates Can and Can't Do
Other Notes and General Topics
Building (Bond) Markets and Interest Rates (Mishkin, Chap 5)
The Term Structure of Interest Rates (Mishkin, Chap 6)
NOTES: My lecture notes.
READING: List of Countries By Credit Rating Agencies (wikipedia)
READING: My 3 Articles from 2019 on Interpreting US Yield Curve Inversion - Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3
Basics of Banking (Mishkin, Chap 9)
Reading: Bitcoin original paper
Changes since 2008
In January 2019, the FOMC announced its intention to implement monetary policy in an ample reserves regime. Reserve requirements do not play a significant role in this operating framework. CRAZY! FED Board of Governors 2020 Announcement that Required Reserves are ZERO. "
In light of the shift to an ample reserves regime, the Board has reduced reserve requirement ratios to zero percent effective on March 26 (2020), the beginning of the next reserve maintenance period. This action eliminates reserve requirements for thousands of depository institutions and will help to support lending to households and businesses."
HAND WRITTEN NOTES Chap 15 The Tools of Monetary Policy inlcuding Ample Reserves
READING! FED Board of Gov Policy Paper (February 2020): The Fed's "Ample-Reserves" Approach to Implementing Monetary Policy
These notes are based on Chapter 15 of Mishkin's book and the FED Paper below. You should really read both the textbook and the Fed Paper.
HAND WRITTEN NOTES Taylor Rules (Chap 16 and more)