QU EC Presentations
Data Presentations
Teaching Presentations
Data Presentation 1: Callender, Chefitz, Neville, and Timberlake
Data Presentation 2: Bertolami, Forcino, Kerrick and White
Data Presentation 3: Cotona, Keen, and Rescsanski
Data Presentation 4: Peruta, Moulin, Hughes, and Szwaja
Data Presentation 5: Ciampanelli, Doering, adn Gustafson
Data Presentation 6: Furgal, Pan, Scnhaars, and Zaremba
Data Presentation 7: Coppola, Davignon, Lachapelle, and Ziegelhofer
Data Presentation 8: Keely, Keller, Johnson, and Margiotta
Data Presentation 9: Conaci, DeMio, King
Data Presentation 10: Agastra, Cassidy, Schmidt, and Sweeney
Chap 10.G1: Furgal, Pan, Zaremba
Chap 10.G2: Chap 10 Peruta, Moulin, Szwaja
Chap 11.G1: Cassidy, Ciampanelli, Doering, Gustafson
Chap 11.G2: Cotona, Keen, Kerrick, Reschanski
Chap 12.G1: Keely, Keller, Johnson, Margiotta
Chap 12.G2: Callender, Hughes, Schmidt, Schnaars
Chap 13.G1: Davignon, Lachapelle, Ziegelhofer
Chap 15.G1: Bertolami, Forcino, White
Chap 16.G1: Chapter 16 Inflation targeting Cheyenne Timberlake John DeMio Griffin King
Chap 16.G2: Chefitz and Neville