Intermediate Macroeconomics
Spring 2021
Assoc. Prof. Chris Ball
Economics Department
Office phone: +1 203 582 8745
Office Location: 4th Floor Rocky Top Student Center
QU Course Number: EC 212
Days: Tuesdays and Thursdays
Time: 12:30 - 1:45 PM
Location: TH 318
Office Hours: TBD and As Needed
QU Covid Message: play the linked video
Spring 2021 - MODULE 1: The Basic Island Economy
Part I: Introducing the Island
The basic island setup
Lecture Notes: HO 00 Initial Set Up
Lecture Notes: HO 01 Setup and Agg Production
Handwritten Notes: Production, Prod Functions, Wages and MPL
Problem Set 1 (HW 1; Due 2/14/2021): download
Problem Set 2 (HW 2; Due 2/16/2021): download
Individuals Choosing over Time (we skipped this in 2021)​
Lecture Notes: (skip) HO 02 Marginal Utility and Labor Leisure
Optimal Allocations for Output: Linear Tech and a First Look at Growth
Lecture Notes: (skip) HO 03 Linear Production and PPF
Lecture Notes: HO 04 Comparative Advantage
Note 1: Comp Adv in 3 Steps​
Note 2: Intuition and Optimal Allocation
Note 3: Tech Growth and Labor in History
1-Pager Summary for Part 1: Key Lessons​
​Part II: Adding Capital
Adding Capital to productoin
Optimal Allocations for Output: Concave Functions in Economics
Utility and Production
1 input, 1 output and Marginal Diminishing Returns
2 inputs, 1 output
1 input, 2 outputs​, the law of one price
2-sector labor market​
Lecture Notes: 18 Feb 2021 iPad Notes "Intro to Concave Functions"
Transaction Costs and Institutions
Lecture Notes: HO 05 Transaction Costs​
Spring 2021 - MODULE 2: The Solow Growth Model
Solow Model Basics
Lecture Notes : Handwritten Class Notes on the Solow Model (you'll see this are similar to what I did in 2021, but some minor modifications... I think now I motivate the model better and make the intro math easier... I think : - )
THESE ARE MY VIDEOS. Enjoy!! I recommend you watch them in order and SKIP "Evaluating Growth" videos at first. After you finish all the Solow Model stuff, you can return to them. I just organized them with each section so you can easily go back and check the videos when you look at the Evaluation Stuff.​
Solow Model Video 1: Review
Solow Model Video 2: Review Golden Rule and max-Consumption Steady State​
Solow Model Video 3: Review change in Depreciation Rate (delta)
Solow Model Video 4: Review change in Technology (A)
Solow Model Video 5: Review Increase in the Savings Rate
Evaluating Growth Video 1: Basic Solow Model​
Solow Model with Population Growth
Solow Model with Pop Video 1: Basics
Solow Model with Pop Video 2: Basics Pt 2
Evaluating Growth Video 2: Solow with Population Growth
Solow Model with Technological Progress
Solow Model with Tech Video 1: Overview Pt. 1
Solow Model with Tech Video 2: Overview Pt. 2
Solow Model with Tech Video 3: Exogenous A-Growth
Evaluating Growth 3 Video: Solow with Exogenous Tech
Solow Model with Tech 4 Video: Labor-Augmenting Growth
Evaluating Growth Video 4: Solow with Labor Augmenting Tech
Evalutating the Solow Models in terms of GDP per Capita
Evaluation Videos all in One Place
(best if you download the "Comparing Models" Notes and go through these with those notes and AFTER we did it in class.)
Evaluating Growth Video 1: Basic Solow Model​
Evaluating Growth Video 2: Solow with Population Growth
Evaluating Growth 3 Video: Solow with Exogenous Tech
Evaluating Growth Video 4: Solow with Labor Augmenting Tech​
Simulate Solow Models in R (optional for those interested in data science and grad school):
Data, Estimation and Simulation link (requires a little econometric knowledge and more R familiarity)
Simulate Solow Models in Python (optional for those interested in data science and grad school):
Spring 2021 - MODULE 3: Monetary and Fiscal Policy
Monetary Policy: An Evolutionary and Conceptual History of Money from Stones to 2021 FED Policy​
TYPED NOTES linking The Birth of Money to other Topics
Interest Rate Policy​
Fiscal Policy
TYPED NOTES Government Budget Constraints Pt. 1
TYPED NOTES Government Budget Constraints Pt. 2
US Congressional Budget Office (CBO) projections for debts and deficits:
US Congressional Budget Office (CBO) projections for GDP growth:
HW 6 (Due Thurs Midnight 4/29/21 ): Word or PDF
AS-AD and Other Topics
TYPED NOTES: Review of AS-AD Basic
FROM 2022
This is material I've covered in the past. Or, it's additional material for students wanting to read more on a topic.
Original Fall 2022 Planned Material
Dynamic Allocation/Optimization​
Monetary Policy
Traditional Theory of Money: MV=Py
Mankiw Chapter 5 – Inflation: Its Causes, Effects and Social Costs
Traditional Banking and Money Multiplier
Mankiw Chapter 4 – The Monetary System: What It Is and How It Works
Traditional Monetary Policy and Operations
HO TBD Monetarism and Friedman’s k-percent rule
Modern Monetary Policy: Taylor Rules and New Keynesian Views
HO TBD Interest Rate Rules​
Practice Problems:​
Problem Set TBD
Modern Banking, Monetary Policy and Operations
The Fiscal Theory of the Price Level
HO TBD The Fiscal Theory of the Price Level (FTPL)
Cochrane (2021) “The Fiscal Theory of the Price Level: An Introduction and Overview” Draft for the Journal of Economic Perspectives.
(Optional) Bond Markets
Practice Problems:​
Problem Set TBD
(Optional) Fiscal Policy
(SKIPPED Spring 2022) "Static Growth": Getting the most from what we've got. Various means of allocating and arranging labor time. Comparative Advantage​
Hand out on thinking about "static growth"​
Hand out(s) on Comparative Advantage​
Syllabus and Other Material
EC 212 Spring 2021 Syllabus: download
Textbook for the course: Mankiw, Macroeconomics, 10th Edition by MacMillan Press
Side Readings for Fun
(related to topics asked about in class)
NBER Working Paper on Minimum Wages (Literature Review): "Myth or Measurement: What Does the New Minimum Wage Research Say about Minimum Wages and Job Loss in the United States?"
NBER Working Paper on Minimum Wages (Historical Perspective): "THE RISE OF AMERICAN MINIMUM WAGES, 1912-1968"
One More on Min Wages (Aggregate Effects). These authors try to get the aggregate effect (if wages are higher, prices are higher, but demand rises too): "The Local Aggregate Effects of Minimum Wage Increases"
Financial Repression and the effects of high debt: "The Liquidation of Government Debt"
IMF Website devoted to the debt crisis during/from COVID: "THE DEBT PANDEMIC"
Robots and Labor on VoxEU: "Robots and labour in the service sector" (follow the links for more readings. Voxeu is non-political and written by real economists)
Robots and Jobs on VoxEU: "Automation and jobs: When technology boosts employment"
Additional Reading
Early Trade Structures
Avner Greif, Reputation and Coalitions in Medieval Trade: Evidence on the Maghribi Traders, The Journal of Economic History, Vol. 49, No. 4 (Dec., 1989), pp. 857-882​
The Economics of TIME
EconTalk interview with Daniel Hamermesh
Practice Problems: Econ of Time and Interview
Gary Becker's 1965 Classic (Optional)
"A Theory of the Allocation of Time," by Gary Becker, The Economic Journal. September 1965.​