How Economies and Institutions Evolve from Island Villages to Modern Macroeconomies: Thinking about Macroeconomics and Society's Decisions
Outline and Chapters
Table of Contents
Chapter 0 - Preface
Chapter 1 - Introduction
The Island Setup
Fundamental Decisions​ of Who Does What and Who Gets What
Historical Solutions: monarchies, communism, and freedom
Chapter 2 - Allocating Resources and the Distribution of Income
The fundamental constraint is time​
Allocating our labor
Marginal Productivity, Wages, and Productivity
Chapter 3 - Economic Growth 1 - The Division and Specialization of Labor
Chapter 4 - Growing Pains 1: The Role of Transaction Costs
Transaction Costs - Coase, Williams, North and how to think our social institutions are shaped
Transaction Costs and a Minimal Umpire State
Transaction Costs and The Birth of Money
Chapter 6 - Markets, Prices and the Distribution of Income
Chapter 7 - Intertemporal Choices 1: Investment, Savings, and Basic Financial Markets
Savings and the Desire to Smooth Consumption​
Investment Decisions
The Fundamental Role of Financial Markets
Chapter 8 - Economic Growth 2 - The Solow Model and New Growth Theories
Chapter 9 - Growing Pains 2: Bigger Government
Transaction Costs, Government and Money
How much money should the government print? An Introduction to the Quantity of Money​
Banks and Government Money Management​​
Taxes, Budgets and Paying for Government
Chapter 10​ - Aggregate Shocks: Can All Our Islanders Smooth Consumption and Weather Storms at Once?
Savings, Investment and Aggregate Constraints
Aggregate Shocks and Government Efforts
Social Insurance and Automatic Fiscal Stabilizers
Fiscal Stimulus and Multipliers
Monetary Policy
In the Long Run We're All Dead and Money is Neutral​
Concepts of the natural rate of unemployment, potential GDP and money neutrality​
Chapter 11 - The Open Economy and Easing our Closed Economy Constraints​
Savings and Investment again​
Smoothing Aggregate (Domestic) Consumption and Weathering Aggregate Shocks​
Standard Macro Topics
Aggregate Demand - Aggregate Supply Analysis
Money Markets, Interest Rates and Monetary Policy