Global Econ: Fun With Inflation Expectations
See my Global Economics Substack column:

Substantial inflation is (still) always and everywhere a monetary phenomenon.
By Chris Ball Inflation today is 7.5%. As we suffer in stores and at gas pumps, many people wonder how this happened. Didn’t the Fed...
CT TV INTERVIEW: U.S. bans Russian oil
See my Interview on March 8, 2022 about Fed rate hikes. Effects of US Russian Oil Ban, interview on Connecticut's WFSB Eyewitness News 3....
Remarks on Hungary's 1956 Freedom Fight
It was an honor yesterday to speak at the Hungarian 1956 memorial celebration in Wallingford, CT, USA. For those interested, here are my...
Launched "Math for Economists" page!
Finally I'm starting on my site with math materials for economists (here). I've had the idea for this for many years. I would have...
Welcome to my personal site!
Welcome to my personal website. I launched it for a number of reasons. First, since I wasn't teaching (or very active as an economics...